
success with less stress

Welcome to WeighTracker!

Daily Feedback on Your Fitness Plan

Getting in shape can be hard, but we're here to help. We give you the tools to know each day how many calories to trim and what your rate of weight loss is regardless of the frustrating oscillations of your scale. Weight loss doesn't have to be that agonizing alternation between the joy of lost pounds and the despair of inexplicable weight gain.

Taking less than 3 minutes a day, you too can have a clear compass bearing to help you naviagate the turbulent waters of losing fat and getting healthy. If you have a digital scale with one decimal point, you have everything you need to start using WeighTracker. It's free to sign up and start getting the personalized guidance you need to understand where you are and how to get where you want to be.

Service Disruption

Posted by: Steve

Late last night into early this morning I performed the last of the badly needed data migrations. This time however things did not go as smoothly as hoped. One of the tables was in an inconsitent state when the site was brought back online. This caused several users to not be able to see their data when they logged in this morning. The problem was corrected around 10:30am PT.

The unfortunate side-effect to this correction is that anyone that entered data between 2:00am to 10:30am this morning probably had that data lost. I do apologize for that. The table has been fixed and you should not have that problem again.

November 13, 2010


WeighTracker is a website which provides free charts and indicators which give you clear, simple, realistic guidance on your diet performance and path forward to reach your weight goals. Counting calories is hard and fickle scales are demoralizing. Here calorie counting isn't required and peace with your bathroom scale can be achieved.

Get Started

Joining is simple and you can get started tracking your diet and weight-loss progress today. If you're new here, just click on the "sign up" link in the top-right corner of the page. You'll be taken to a secure Google Accounts page where you can log in with your existing Google account, or associate your existing email address with a password for Google services. Your personalized diet progress indicators are just a few clicks away.

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Wise Words

"Water is the most neglected nutrient in your diet but one of the most vital."

- Kelly Barton

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